
DGGV-Tagungen 2015

28.09.2015 - 01.10.2015

GeoBerlin 2015 Annual Meeting DGGV DMG

DYNAMIC EARTH – from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond - DYNAMISCHE ERDE – von Alfred Wegener bis heute und in die Zukunft

Exactly 100 years ago the most outstanding German Geoscientist Alfred Wegener published the first edition of his seminal book “Die Enstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane” (“The Origin of Continents and Oceans”). Today we all know that his seminal hypothesis was only accepted once the pieces of the “plate tectonics” puzzle were put together in the 1960’s. Wegener was 50 years ahead of his time. We should never forget that Wegener was a metereologist and astronomist. He pursued his research on the thermodynamcis of the atmosphere and impact craters with as much energy as his development of “continental drift”.

In our meeting Dynamic Earth – from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond we will review how Wegener's findings evolved into to modern Earth system science including its impact on climate and the Earth surface, and how this system affects our daily life: where humans live, what risks we are exposed to, where we find our resources. In the meeting we invite the societies to propose...

16.10.2015 - 17.10.2015

Untertage-Entsorgung von Abfällen im Kali-Bergbau

39. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Bergbaufolgen der DGGV

Exkursion: 16. Oktober 2015
Befahrung der Kali-Gruben Wintershall (Hessen, K+S) und Sollstedt (Thüringen, NDH)

Vorträge: 17. Oktober 2015
Grenzlandmuseum Teistungen (Thüringen)




Deutsche Geologische
Gesellschaft – Geologische
Vereinigung e. V. (DGGV)

Geschäftsstelle Berlin
Rhinstraße 84
12681 Berlin

Frau Lara Müller-Ruhe
Tel. 030-509 640 48
E-Mail senden


GeoHannover2012, Blick ins Foyer des Hauptgebäudes der Leibniz-Universität Hannover (Foto: H.-Gerd Röhling)