

RWTH Aachen – Geologisches Institut

At the Geological Institute five working groups have their focus in sedimentary geology.
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Freie Universität Berlin – Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften

At the Institute of Geological Sciencies one working group is currently focusing on sedimentary geology.
Our research focuses on how sediments and sedimentary rocks record Earth-surface processes across a broad range of temporal and spatial scales.
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Technical University Berlin - Institute for Applied Geosciences

At Technische Universität Berlin in the Institute of Applied Geosciences activities in sedimentary geology are concentrated in the Department of Exploration Geology.


Ruhr-Universität Bochum – Faculty for Geosciences – Department for Sediment- and Isotope Geology

At the Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, the Department of Sediment- and Isotope Geology has its focus in sedimentary geology:
The central theme of our research is the sedimentary archive of planet Earth from the Precambrian to the Recent with focus on the geochemistry, petrology, and diagenesis of carbonates.
Currently the following research topics are covered in Bochum:
The Department works in a wide range of topics including

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TU Braunschweig – Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication

The Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication has its focus in sedimentary geobiology. Currently the following research topics are covered in Braunschweig.

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University Bremen – Faculty of Geosciences

At the Faculty of Geosciences together with MARUM currently five working groups have their focus in sedimentary geology: Sedimentology and Paleoceanography (Heinrich), Geochronology and Basin Analysis (Kuss), Modelling of Sedimentation Processes (Huhn-Frehers), Marine Sedimentology (Hebbeln) and and Sediment Geochemistry (Zabel). Currently the following research topics are covered in Bremen

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TU Clausthal – Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie

At the Institut of Geology and Paleontology two working groups have their focus in sedimentary geology: General Geology and Sedimentology (Gursky) and Petroleum geology (Blendinger).
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TU Darmstadt – Institute of Applied Geosciences

At the Institute of Applied Geosciences one working group has its focus in sedimentary geology: Applied Sedimentology (Hinderer/Hornung/Lenz).
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Goethe University Frankfurt – Institute of Geosciences

At the Institute of Geosciences three working groups have their focus in sedimentary geology: Sedimentology (Voigt), Biosedimentology (Gischler), Phase Analysis and Granulometry of fine-grained sediments (Petschick). Our research focus centers around the response of marine and terrestrial sedimentary systems to Mesozoic and Cenozoic climate change from orbital to tectonic timescales


TU Bergakademie Freiberg – Institut for Geology

There are several working groups at the Institute for Geology (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) with a focus on sedimentary geology. Current research projects combine sedimentology, volcanology and palaeontology  to understand regional geological  and palaeogeographical concepts, but also the economic potential of sedimentary basins and  their tectonic evolution.

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University Freiburg – Chair in Sedimentology

At the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences a working group has its focus in sedimentary geology: Sedimentary Geology and Quaternary Research (Preusser).

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Universität Göttingen – Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum
(in preparation)

Die Abteilung Sedimentologie und Umweltgeologie arbeitet aktuell in drei Themenbereichen mit sediment-geologischem Schwerpunkt. In allem Bereichen werden sowohl methodische Entwicklungen vorangetrieben als auch Fallstudien in vielen Regionen der Welt durchgeführt….
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University Greifswald – Institute of Geography and Geology

Supported by the Leibniz Institute of Baltic See Research Warnemünde, there are three working groups at the Institute of Geography and Geology having focus on sedimentary geology: Marine depositional environments and processes (Arz, Böttcher, Hüneke), Dynamics and element budges of coastal zones and late Quaternary landscapes (Lampe, Lorenz), Glacial and periglacial depositional environments and processes (Hüneke, Rother) and Clay mineralogy (Grthoff, Warr).

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Universität Hamburg – Institut für Geologie

At the Institute for Geology two working groups have a focus in sedimentary geology: Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy as well as Geology in the Earth System.
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Leibniz University Hannover – Institute for Geology

Currently, two research groups with focus on sedimentary geology are active at the Institute for Geology. Working group Heimhofer/Huck deals with Mesozoic shallow-water carbonates (Jurassic-Cretaceous) and with the composition and distribution of particulate organic matter in sedimentary rocks. Working group Winsemann/Brandes/Lang works on siliziclastic sedimentary systems with special emphasis on the quaternary deposits of Northern Germany and paleoseismological projects.

Heidelberg University – Institute of Earth Sciences

At the Institute of Earth Sciences one working group has its focus in sedimentary geology: The working group “Sedimentology & Marine Paleoenvironmental Dynamics” works on Meso- and Cenozoic marine sediments with a particular focus on faunal and geochemical analyses.

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Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena – Institute of Geosciences

At the Institute of Geosciences, the group of General Geology and Earth History focuses on the following research topics related to sedimentary geology:
Currently the following research topics are covered
Early Earth, esp. the Archean (Heubeck, Köhler, Nabhan)
Regional Geology; continental clastic sedimentation systems (Voigt, Wedler) > Read more...

University of Leipzig – Institute for Geophysics and Geology

At the Institute for Geophysics and Geology at the University of Leipzig two working groups have their focus in carbonate petrography (Brachert) and clay mineralogy (Ehrmann).

WWU Münster – Institute of Geology and Paleontology

The Münster Sedimentary Geology Working Group focusses its research in three areas. We analyse sedimentary basin fills for their facies development as products of a basin‘s tectonic setting; we apply provenance research methods to reconstruct surface process systems and sediment routing pathways;

Trier University – Faculty VI - Regional and Environmental Sciences

The geology group is part of the department of regional and environmental sciences. The BSc- and MSc-programs are highly interdisciplinary and include, besides of geology, for example soil science, hydrology, physical geography, …

University Tübingen – Department of Geosciences, Center of Applied Geosciences

At the Center of Applied Geosciences the working group of T. Aigner has its focus in Sedimentary Geology, especially in applied aspects (reservoirs, aquifers, raw materials).

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University of Vienna, Austria

Department for Geodynamics and Sedimentology

At the Department for Geodynamics and Sedimentology several working groups have their focus on both pure and applied geosciences.
Currently the following research topics are covered in ....
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Context Column

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Brief descriptions of institutes doing research and training in the field of sedimentology.
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